Thursday, February 21, 2013

New Blog

So I decided to start a new blog. This blog will be for my mission. So when my mission is complected I can print it off into a book. Would anyone be willing on posting for me while I am on my mission?? I will email you everything and all you would have to do is copy and paste and hint post. (Dana Herwig?!?!!?) Because my family is not technology minded. except me.

So if you don't know where I am going and when I leave.
Mission: Albuquerque, New Mexico
Language: English speaking, thank heavens!
Boundaries: The center of New Mexico from top to bottom and the wing of Texas.
Departure Date: I go to the Provo MTC on April 17, 2013
Graduation from LDS Business College:  April 12, 2013.
Portfolio Event: April 4-6, 2013
Lets just say I am stressing a little bit.

I can not wait to go on my mission. I never thought in my whole life I would step foot in  New Mexico. But here I go for 18 months. I KNOW in my bones that this is the mission for me! I can not wait to serve the Lord and teach the people of Albuquerque, NM.

I have been trying to prepare myself for the mission by getting rid of some worldly things. First, I have stopped listening to music. I met a girl at school that has a sister right know on her mission to Albuquerque, NM and she says that my Mission President is very strict about the music and that the missionaries can only listen to classical instrumental. So I had the thought if I get used to not listening to music that it will be a relief when I get to the mission to listen to something. And you know what it was really hard for the first couple of days but know its no biggie. I like the time to think for myself. Second, if you didn't know this about me I LOVE TV!! I watch at least 30 shows at a time. So as a Missionary you can not watch any TV or movies. So I knew I had to cut this out. I have gone down to 6 shows. And I am really proud of myself for doing that. And I must say, all those shows I thought I would die when I couldn't watch them, but I don't know why I even watched them to begin with. I didn't really like any of them. I was just watching them to watch them. Third, I ave deleted all of my games on my phone except one, Jetpack, that is my favorite iPhone game ever!! haha. I will have to get of that game also.

So my life is a little stressful right now. I have never been so stressful, emotional, busy, etc in my life! but as my family keeps telling me this is preparing me for my mission. Which I agree but dang its hard!!!!

Anyways I am so excited to go on my mission!

Till the next time,