Tuesday, September 24, 2013

4 months

Hello Family and Friends on the Internet. As promised here is the first of Sister Blake's blog post.

Can you believe it! I sure cant. I can't believe I made it this far during all my sickness. I thought for sure I was going to be going home, but here I am. Still doing the work. 4 months have flown by when I look back at it, but the days seem to drag. So I'm in my third companionship. This companion's name is Sister Rager. She is from Riverton Utah . She turned 20 a couple of weeks ago and this is her 2nd transfer. I have grown to love the ward and area. I have been serving in since I have started my mission. The ward is amazing and I feel as though I have become part of their ward family. Currently Sister Rager and I are in a car, which I love! Sister Rager has a bad knee and the biking made it worse, so a blessing in disguise. It sure does make me happy. But because of the car, the work has hastened. It only takes about 8 minutes to drive from one end to the other end of our area, when before it took 35 min on bike! We are currently working with a lot of less actives. I have grown to love every one of them. I wish to have them come back to the fold of god. I have been reading and studying and pondering a lot of lehi's dream, thinking about where do I fit in this dream. Because I know we are all part of it. And the thought came to me that I think missionaries are sent out in the mist of darkness to find the lost sheep. Of course this is not scripture, just my thoughts. And not what we teach. But it is what I have come to in my pondering and studying . I thought it would be a cool thing to share .
On my mission so far I have learn to love reading the ensign. Oh how I love the ensign! I have learned so much from the prophets and apostles and the general authorities . There were so many great talks and stories in the newest ensign. August 2013. 2 of my favorite talks in this issue was ' A new writing' by elder Melvyn B. Arnold of the seventy and ' move forward in faith'. In the 'Move forward in faith' talk, it references Ether 12:6. ' dispute not because you see not, for he receive no witness until after the trial of your faith '.
I love this scripture. It is so true! Sometimes trials happen and you don't know why they are happening , but if you hold fast to the rod, to god, then ' peace be into thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; and then if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes . They friends do stand by thee, and they shall hail thee again with warm hearts and friendly hands.' D&C121:7-9. I know this to be true.

Love Sister Blake

Monday, September 23, 2013

Public Apology

Hello Family and friends on the internet! First and foremost I would like to apologize to my wonderful sister for not keeping up with her blog and secondly I would like to apologize to you wonderful people recently I have been a little MIA when it came to updating this blog. I've been too caught up in everything that's been going on in my own life which kind of made some things fall short, so ..... sorry again?! Fortunately I do have a couple posts for ya'll of which I will post in the upcoming days.  But just so that it's not all me .... here are some photos Cassie has sent. 

                                            A few Sisters in the area went to the Zoo.

                                          Cassie being silly.